Web Development Service

NaprelaWeb is an experienced team providing website development and website builder services for businesses. Please feel free to get in touch with us for services such as web design, wordpress website development, and web development.

Why having a website is important?

Today, due to the widespread use of the internet, it is of great importance for businesses to have a website.
People are now using the internet to access information, research products, and find services. A website allows your business to create an online presence and enable your target audience to find you online.
A website allows your business to get ahead of competitors who do not have a website. A website helps your business to portray a professional and trustworthy image. Potential customers may visit your website to get more information about you and compare you with other alternatives.


Basic Package


  • Basic page layout (homepage, about us, products/services, contact, etc.)
  • Simple design template
  • Mobile-friendly and compatible with browsers
  • Basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) settings
  • Contact form and map integration
  • Social media links
  • Limited number of pages and content
  • 1 free professional mail

Standard Package


  • Basic page layout (home, about us, products/services, contact, etc.)
  • Customized design or use of a professional theme
  • Mobile-friendly and compatible with browsers
  • Advanced SEO settings and keyword optimization
  • Contact form, map, and some additional features (gallery, blog, etc.)
  • Social media links
  • 10-20 pages and more content
  • 5 free professional mails

Advanced Package


  • Advanced page layout and full customization
  • Modern and unique design, with a completely customized theme
  • Mobile-friendly and compatible with browsers
  • Advanced SEO strategies and competitor analysis
  • Contact form, map, gallery, blog, and other additional features
  • Social media integration, sharing options, and follower integration
  • Custom functions, personalized plugins, and more pages or content.
  • Unlimited free professional mails

Pros of Having a Website for Your Business

The Most Effective Advertising Tool

A website enables you to reach a much broader audience at a low cost. This allows you to implement a more effective advertising strategy than ever.

A Credible and Trustworthy Platform

Having a website grants you prestige and creates a more trusted image than social media accounts. Being a website owner is one of the most efficient ways to showcase your presence in the digital world.

It's Impact on Customers

Your website can reach potentially thousands of people. This allows you to influence customers and guide their decisions. You can win their trust by providing correct and informative content. This creates an opportunity for you to gain more customers.

7/24 Availability

When you have a physical store or shop, customers can't browse your goods or ask you questions once the store is closed for the day. The only way to change that is to create a website. Imagine having a business that's open 7/24! Customers can access your services even while you're asleep. Wouldn't that be great?

Unique Designs

Our artificial intelligence design team has been spesifically trained to create your dream designs. The following designs were created by our team to serve as examples for you, our customers.

Take Action Now for Your Business - Contact Us

We’re excited to talk with you about your dream website! Contact us and let’s discuss how it can add value to your business.